Testosterone v 7.15 (Multiclient)

25. Januar 2009
Für alle die Testosterone für Sro noch nicht finden konnten biete ich es auch einmal an...

1.Datei Downloaden
2.Datei entpacken (Password : recyfer.info)
3.Loader Starten


* Muliclient.
* NoDC relogin (please wait about 12 seconds after message “Failed to connect to server”).
* Nude patch.
* Infinity zoom.
* Disable swear filter.
* Minimize in taskbar (low memory mode)
* Mini-mode (1/6 screen size)
* Windowed mode.
* Toggles hiding players and monsters. (Holding ‘v’ key).
* Toggles showing loot on ground. (Holding ‘z’ key).
* Weather control.
* Auto-rise mastery.
* Auto-accept resurrection.
* Auto-accept invite to Exp/Items shared party.
* Auto-distribution of status (str/int) points.
* Auto-heals pets.
* Alarm on private message.
* Alarm on unique monster.
* Alarm on a bargain start.
* Unique monster log.
* Block messages (All, Whisper, Party, Guild, Union, Global)
* Character info window (iSroBot incomatible).
* Loader configuration dialog.
* Redirection the client to local port (substitute for mediapatcher)
* Renaming sro_client window title (iSroBot incomatible).
* iSroBot compatibility option (disable incompatible functions)

Download by Testosterone v 7.15

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